Physical Ability Testing

Physical Ability Testing (Post Hire testing) is an evaluation conducted once you have made a conditional job offer which the applicant  must pass a Physical Ability Test as a hiring requirement. The evaluation is designed so you can determine if the applicant’s physical capability meet the essential physical demands of the job. This type of post hire physical screening is a medical evaluation.   The applicant must past the Physical Ability Test as a hiring requirement.


  • Reduces turnover by matching employee capabilities with the job demands.
  • Reduces the number of  injuries and the number of Worker Compensation claims
  • Increases productivity by reducing turnover and injuries.
  • Provides a safer work environment therefore a happier work environment.
  • Reduces lost time injuries, which will improve your MOD rate and lower Workers’ Compensation premiums.


Physical Agility Testing (Pre-Hire testing)  is an evaluation used by employers to identify whether or not an applicant is able to perform the essential physical functions of a particular job. This type of testing is done before a job offer and must be established as a non-medical test. In some applications, such as police services, this type of testing has been recognized as functional.  However many employers have found that it is not practical to establish reasonable physical testing for their jobs.  Please contact Work Capacities so we can determine if this type of testing meets your organizational needs.

Advantages-  There can be potential advantages to Physical Agility Testing however you are very limited by the standards of ADA and EEOC. If a physical agility test can be established where the applicant demonstrates the ability to perform actual or simulated job tasks, without falling under the jurisdiction of a medical examination you could possibly reduce some types of injury and lower worker compensation costs.

Summary of Services:

Post hire and pre-hire evaluations revolve around the definition of a medical examination.  Pre Hire/ Physical agility testing must be established as a non-medical evaluation.  However for some jobs requirements physical agility testing is not practical.  Post-Hire/  Physical Ability testing compares an applicant’s functional capability with the essential physical demands of the job.  Legally, both of these tests must be applied consistently to all applicants.

A Post Hire/ Physical Ability Test require a job analysis for an accurate job description and validation of testing methods.  Refer to Job Analysis/ Job Verification tab.