Job Analysis /Job Validation

Job Analysis is a tool to identify the physical essential requirements of the job or task, to include repetition demand, force requirement,  postural elements, and environmental conditions. A job description is then written with an explanation of the specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis.


  • Without a thorough job analysis you will not have a complete or accurate job description.
  • Most job descriptions cover the general requirements of the job but many do not list the physical requirements or have inaccurate physical requirement data.
  • If you don’t indentify the physical functions of a job, it will be difficult to eliminate ergonomic injury and or hazards.
  • WORK CAPACITIES has a full line of ergonomic tools available for taking accurate measurement.


Wood Shop Series

Job Description Validation is used to substantiate any questionable physical requirements of an existing job description.


  • A Job Description Validation is a lower cost alternative to a complete job analysis.
  • Typically a Job Description Validation is used when there is an existing job description which needs updating. WORK CAPACITIES can validate any new or changing physical requirements of the job.
  • WORK CAPACITIES has a full line of ergonomic tools available for taking accurate measurement.

Summary of Service

The main goal of a job analysis is to provide an accurate job description. Without a thorough job analysis generally you will not have a complete or accurate job description. Often times the general work duty explanation is reasonable. However, the physical demands are not included, are not complete, or they are not accurate. Without understanding the actual requirements of a task it is not possible to improve the conditions or hire capable employees. If you feel your job descriptions are reasonably accurate WORK CAPACITIES can perform a Job Description Validation study and make sure any questionable physical requirements are defined.

These tools are vital in returning an injured worker back to full duty.