Ergonomic Intervention

An Office Ergonomic Assessment is a review of your office work area environment. In recent years, office ergonomic injuries have been growing due to the rapid increase in computer/ keyboard use.  We can reduce the risk of injury by adapting the work to fit the employee instead of forcing the employee to adjust to the work area. We will evaluate each work station in relationship to body mechanics, anthropometric measurements and current ergonomic equipment. We will provide specific recommendations for change to work areas. We may also suggest some ergonomic tools that can help prevent further discomfort or harm. In addition to injury prevention, a well designed work station can enhance work performance by removing the barriers that prevent employees from performing to the best of their ability.


  • Reduce the potential of ergonomic injury.
  • Protect your valued employees.
  • Enhance morale and performance.
  • Reduce lost time and Workers Compensation injury.


Other Related Services-

Office Ergonomic Trainings

Training can be customized for your office setting and typically includes one or more of the following options:  Overview of Office Ergonomics, Education of  Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD’s), Adjustment of Workstations, Adjustment of Ergonomic Chairs and Education in stretching exercises.


Ergonomic Office Furniture

Work Capacities puts you in a position to work better than ever before with custom-fit, ergonomically correct furniture and accessories. We specialize in fitting our clients with the proper equipment. A properly fit workstation can significantly change morale which will improve production and reduce injury.

Return to Work Intervention is provided as a means to ensure a quick and safe return to modified or regular duty work. We can work with an employee immediately following a report of injury or symptoms  involving sprains, strains, ergonomic issues or other injury.  We can assist with the determination of  cause and assist in prevention of future injury.  We can provide Physical Capacity Testing to objectify current or longer term limitations.

We can provide assistance to the employer on modified duty recommendations.  We can also provide information on how to better utilize EAIP (Employer At Injury Program) and  PWP (Preferred Worker Program) funds.


  • Reduce or eliminate the chance of recurring ergonomic injury.
  • Provide recommendation for Workers Compensation EAIP funds to promote early return to work.
  • Assist with the  return to work “culture” with both the  employee and employer.